The Lithuanian Bird Ringing Centre

The Lithuanian Bird Ringing Centre is located in Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas Zoological Museum and is a department of this Museum. The Centre is responsible for the organising, coordinating and supervising of bird ringing in Lithuania, collecting of recovery and resighting data of ringed birds, publishing ringing data, consulting ringers, handing out permits for ringers, etc. Untitled

The Lithuanian Bird Ringing Scheme is a full member of The European Union for Bird Ringing (EURING).

The head of the Centre is Ričardas Patapavičius (since 1978)
Our contacts are as follows:




Lithuanian Bird Ringing Centre

T. Ivanauskas Zoological Museum                                      

Laisvės alėja 106

44253 Kaunas, Lithuania   


Contacts of other European Bird Ringing Schemes are listed in the home page of The EURING.